MK East Newsletters
MK East – Contractor details
The developer has created an app called MKE which can be downloaded by scanning the QR code below, this will provide real time information and can be used to send enquiries to them.
Alternatively, any enquiries about the works can be directed to the developers at:
Tel: 01202 045323

Berkeley St. James Application
21/00999/OUTEIS Hybrid planning application encompassing: (i) outline element (with all matters reserved) for a large-scale mixed-use urban extension (creating a new community) comprising: residential development; employment including business, general industry and storage/distribution uses; a secondary school and primary schools; a community hub containing a range of commercial and community uses; a new linear park along the River Ouzel corridor; open space and linked amenities; new redways, access roads and associated highways improvements; associated infrastructure works; demolition of existing structures and (ii) detailed element for strategic highway and multi-modal transport infrastructure, including: new road and redway extensions; a new bridge over the M1 motorway; a new bridge over the River Ouzel; works to the Tongwell Street corridor between Tongwell roundabout and Pineham roundabout including new bridge over the River Ouzel; alignment alterations to A509 and Newport Road; and associated utilities, earthworks and drainage works
22/01979/REM Approval of reserved matters for the access, appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale pursuant to outline planning permission ref. 21/00999/OUTEIS for the erection of a primary substation and associated works.
23/01264/REM Approval of reserved matters (access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to hybrid permission ref. 21/00999/OUTEIS for the construction of 194 residential dwellings, together with associated works to A509 London Road, parking, infrastructure, open space, landscaping and ancillary works. EIA development
23/02774/REM Approval of reserved matters (access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to outline planning permission ref. 21/00999/OUTEIS for the erection of the Primary Street 1 corridor (including redways), pedestrianised route to 1st Primary School, infrastructure, drainage, foul drainage and other associated works (including both interim and final schemes for hard and soft landscaping, the Primary Street corridor, and other associated works). EIA Development
24/00710/FUL Erection of marketing suite including cafe, shop, car parking, landscaping, access, and associated works on land pursuant to planning permission 23/01264/REM.
24/01502/REM Application for the approval of reserved matters for the access, appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale pursuant to outline planning permission ref. 21/00999/OUTEIS for the erection of a pumping station and associated works
Proposed phases of MK East Development
Bloor Homes Application
21/03420/OUTEIS Outline planning application with all matters reserved except for means of access in relation to highway access from Willen Road and pedestrian/cycle access in relation to the crossing of the A422, for the demolition of the existing structures on site and the creation of a residential development of up to 800 dwellings comprising affordable housing, a primary school, local centre, public open space, red ways, sustainable urban drainage systems and all associated works
23/01800/REM Approval of reserved matters application (appearance, layout, scale and landscaping) for Phase B comprising: 338 dwellings, public open space, play and recreation facilities, internal access roads and associated infrastructure, pursuant to outline planning permission 21/03420/OUTEIS. EIA development
21/02440/OUTEIS Outline application (matters of access to be considered with matters of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved) for storage and distribution (Use Class B8) floorspace, with ancillary offices and associated infrastructure, including access, parking, servicing and landscaping
MK Council Development Control Committee 9 November 2021
At the meeting of the Development Control Committee on 9 November the committee voted to grant planning permission for the area of MK East that St. James will be developing.
MK Council’s power to produce a decision notice will be subject to the Secretary of State and their decision in respect of a call-in application that was made to the Secretrary in relation to the MK East planning application prior to the Development Control Commitee meeting.
The meeting can be viewed via the MK Council’s Youtube channel.
Milton Keynes Council Bid for UK Government’s Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF)
All details of the bid to secure funding for the infrastructure for the Eastern Expansion area can be found via the Milton Keynes Council website planning policy page
Following the consultation Milton Keynes Council Website has a copy of the Inspectors report.
Proposed Submission Plan:MK October 2017
Public Consultation process for the latest Plan:MK ended on Wednesday 20 December.
The councils response December 2017 to Plan:MK.
Draft Plan:MK Consultation 2017
Public consultation on Draft Plan:MK (MK Council’s strategy for meeting the borough’s needs until 2031) ended on Friday, 9 June 2017 .
MK East Timeline
November 2006
- the inaugural meeting of eastern expansion area stakeholder group took place
September 2008
- letters of objection sent to Milton Keynes (MK) Council regarding proposed development east of the M1
September 2012
- industrial units proposed by the developers The Berkeley Group
- plans did not proceed
- local plan did not include that area for industrial development
- Inspector rejected the site for inclusion.
- The Berkley Group continued to work with MK Council planners
- Plan:MK was being prepared and it was expected that this area will be included for industrial purposes
Autumn 2014
- MK Council was at the first stage of preparing a new local plan Plan:MK
- a Site Allocations plan was prepared
December 2014
- Milton Keynes Council concluded its consultation on Plan:MK
- Moulsoe Parish Council submitted its comments on the plan.
December 2015
- a Public Meeting was held on at Moulsoe Millennium Hall
- Moulsoe Parish Council with neighbouring town and parish councils called in MK Councils decision to commence a public consultation on 24 November 2015
- this related to four Strategic Development Options including two that could dramatically change the character and landscape for Moulsoe and the surrounding rural parishes
- the “call in” was intended to challenge the validity and methodology of the options put forward
- also to delay the commencement of the public consultation to help us understand the proposals, inform our residents of what is at stake for Moulsoe and to recruit expert support.
- Executive Scrutiny Panel considered the reasons for the various “call in” requests
- it conceded that the process to develop the options was not as robust as it could have been
- it decided to proceed with public consultation about the options but not until January 2016
- the panel agreed to rename the four options as “concepts” and to remove the names of the potential rural settlements and marks on a map
- Moulsoe Parish Council worked with RuCASS and the surrounding rural parishes to respond as formal bodies
January 2016
- public consultation commenced
- public meeting for Moulsoe residents took place on 28 January 2106
April 2016
- Moulsoe Parish Council submitted their response to the consultation
Spring 2017
- the next iteration of Plan:MK set out MK Council’s strategy for meeting the boroughs needs until 2031
- the plan set out the preferred options, which includes development of land East of the M1 motorway, south of Newport Pagnell, envisaging a sustainable urban extension post 2026
- Ward Councillors hosted a Public Meeting on 28 March 2017
July 2017
- the Government announced the £2.3bn Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) to be awarded to local authorities on a competitive bid basis
- awards would be granted to build new infrastructure to support housing developments in areas of greatest demand
- MK Council planned to submit a bid for funding to support the development of 5000 new homes east of the M1 on land bordering the A509 towards Newport Pagnell and extending east towards Moulsoe
- this rescinded the designation of this area as a Strategic Reserve Area for use after 2031 in the last version of Plan:MK
- any development of this area was conditional upon MK Council winning their bid.
December 2017
- the latest version of Plan:MK was released for a consultation period ending December 2017
- Moulsoe Parish Council responded to this consultation
Spring 2018
- in response to a draft Plan:MK review at the end of summer 2017 the parish council made a further response to MKC in October 2017
- this addressed a range of revisions and local area proposals that could have potentially damaging effects for the area east of the M1
- the response focussed on relevant comments from previous submission in June 2017
- it was also supported by recent statements made by the chancellor in the 2017 Autumn Budget
- Plan:MK was timetabled to be submitted for consideration by the Planning Inspectorate
Summer 2018
- Plan:MK hearings were held in July and August 2018
- Inspector David Spencer proposed a schedule of Main Modifications he considered necessary to make the plan sound
- the schedule was then subject to public consultation ending in December 2018
- the parish was represented at the MK East Local Stakeholder Group by parish councillors.
- the purpose of the group was to openly discuss the objectives and aspirations of development in the eastern area also to challenge the reasons and need for expansion in Moulsoe parish
Autumn 2018
- the HIF bid submission was delayed from December to March 2019
Spring 2019
- the HIF bid to support housing development East of the M1 was submitted to government on 22 May 2019
- it was in opposition to local parish councillors, residents, ward councillors and our MPs
- the parish council continued to attend Local Stakeholder Group meetings and made submissions to Cllr Pete Marland, the leader of MKC, regarding the inappropriateness of the bid and its misguided intentions.
July 2019
- Ward Councillors “called in” the decision of a MK Council Delegated Decision meeting regarding the consultation of the supplementary planning document for the design of MK East
- this was adopted in January 2020
May 2020
- land surveys commence on the land allocated for MK East
July 2020
- HIF bid was successful for MK Council
- the funding had various terms attached
November 2020
- MK Council and Homes for England sign contracts that enable MK Council to access the money from the HIF
February 2021
- Moulsoe Parish Council meet with the main developers St. James
- All residents receive a Consultation Brochure from St. James
April 2021
- Planning Application from developers submitted
Last updated 13 November 2024