Transparency Code

Under the audit framework effective from 1st April 2017, established by the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, parish councils such as Moulsoe with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000 are exempt from external audit. Instead we are subject to a Transparency Code to enable local electors to access the relevant information about our accounts and governance. It is a requirement to publish the following is information :-

  • End of year bank reconciliation
  • End of year accounts as set out in our annual return
  • An explanation of significant variances between the current year and the previous year
  • Annual governance statement as set out in our annual return
  • Internal audit report as set out in our annual return
  • Details of assets
  • A list of all items of expenditure above £100
  • List of Councillor responsibilities i.e. whether they are the chair, vice chair or member of the parish council
  • Minutes, agendas and papers of formal meetings

All these documents can be accessed via the links below.

Bank ReconciliationBank ReconciliationBank ReconciliationBank ReconcilliationBank Reconcilliation
Annual ReturnAnnual ReturnAnnual ReturnAnnual ReturnAnnual Return
Governance StatementGovernance StatementGovernance StatementGovernance StatementGovernance Statement
Audit ReportAudit Report Audit ReportAudit ReportAudit Report
Asset RegisterAsset RegisterAsset RegisterAsset RegisterAsset Register
Expenditure over £100Expenditure over £100Expenditure over £100Expenditure
over £100
Expenditure over £100
Councillor responsibilitiesCouncillor responsibilitiesCouncillor responsibilities Councillor responsibilities Councillor responsibilities

2024/25 Meetings

Agenda14 May 19 June9 July10 Sept 12 Nov14 Jan11 March
Minutes14 May19 June9 July10 Sept12 Nov14 Jan 11 March

2023/24 Meetings

Agenda16 May 18 July12 Sept14 Nov
Meeting Cancelled
9 Jan12 March
Minutes16 May18 July12 Sept14 Nov9 Jan12 March

2022-23 Meetings

Agenda10 May12 July27 Sept.8 Nov.10 Jan14 March
Minutes10 May12 July27 Sept.8 Nov.10 Jan14 March

2021-22 Meetings

Agenda4 May13 July14 Sept.10Nov.11 Jan8 March
Minutes4 May13 July14 Sept.10 Nov.11 Jan8 March

2020-21 Meetings

Agenda12 May14 July8 Sept.10 Nov.12 Jan.9 March
Minutes12 May14 July8 Sept.10 Nov.12 Jan.9 March

2019-20 Meetings

Agenda14 May9 July10 Sept.12 Nov.14 Jan.10 March
Minutes14 May9 July10 Sept.12 Nov.14 Jan.10 March

2018-19 Meetings

Agenda8 May10 July27 Sept.13 Nov.15 Jan.12 March
Minutes8 May10 July27 Sept.13 Nov.15 Jan.12 March

Last updated 24 June 2024

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