PCSO Updates & Information

On this page you will find details of current campaigns from our Rural Policing Team .

The Police Community Support Officer who cover Moulsoe is PCSO C1018 Arlene Ormston.

Email Arlene at arlene.ormston@thamesvalley.police.uk

To report a crime please report it using the 101 service. Either phone 101 to report or use the online form on the Thames Valley Police website.

If it is an emergency, a crime is in progress, someone is in immediate danger or you need help right away please call 999.

Theft of Oil

There has been a number of thefts of oil from tanks within the rural parishes The Crime Prevention website gives some ideas on how to secure your tanks along with other crime prevention advice.

Immobilise.comUK National Property Register

Immobilise is the world’s largest FREE register of possession ownership details and together with its sister sites the Police’s NMPR and CheckMEND, forms a very effective tool in helping to reduce crime and repatriate recovered personal property to its rightful owners.
Immobilise can be used by members of the public and businesses to register their valued possessions or company assets, and exclusive to Immobilise all account holders registered items and ownership details are viewable on the Police national property database the NMPR.
As a direct result of Immobilise there are hundreds of cases a week where property is returned or information collected that assists the Police in investigating criminal activity involving stolen goods.

Winter Burglary Campaign

With winter evenings now with us Thames Valley Police are running their winter burglary campaign.
When our rural policing team are out patrolling in the late afternoon / evenings they will be looking for houses that have been left in complete darkness and will be posting a card through the door reminding the residents to

Leave a Light on
Close and lock all doors and windows when going out
Keep valuables out of sight
Don’t advertise you are away from home on social media
Register your valuables with www.immobilise.com
Residents are being encouraged to sign up to Thames Valley Alert Messaging.

This is a free community messaging system Called Thames Valley Alert. This site provides an invitation for you to participate in the exchange of information with Thames Valley Police, Neighbourhood Watch and other community groups. As a registered recipient you will not only benefit from two way messaging but may also learn about those in your community subject of anti-social behaviour orders, help identify suspected or wanted criminals or learn about community groups, events or meetings in your area. To sign up go to the Thames Valley Alert website.

Home Security Assessment

Our local PCSO Arlene Ormston can offer residents a free home security assessment. If you would like to make an appointment please contact Arlene via email at arlene.ormston@thamesvalley.police.uk
There is also a Home Security Advice leaflet that can be found here – Home Security Advice.

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